Every artist had every painting theme preference. Like Edgar Degas, he was known for painting the ballerina. The person who focused on a subject not only had the unique character, but also showed very clever personality. He knew people’s limitations in the ability, so he was willing to make efforts to portray the subject that he was interested in until he formed his own unique style. The reason why this Degas painting was favored by people was not the quiet beauty of the painting, but Degas’s eyes’ focus on the casual details. In this painting, these brief details were solidified.
The technique used in this painting, Dancer Adjusting Her Slipper, did not have big difference with other paintings. The soft light and gentle colors were reflected in his devoted brush. The main body of this Impressionism painting was a dancing girl sitting on the floor. Her left leg was naturally straight, and right leg bent. Her jaw was near the knee so as to make the hands reach the right foot to tie the shoe laces. Maybe her shoelace was loose, or she felt that her slipper did not fit her feet. Therefore there was a separate dancing shoe besides her left leg. The white dress being dragging behind and her entire action formed a perfect triangle composition. Just as the ornament, other several dancers in the rehearsal hall window far from her were shown at the top of the painting. The shoelace of the dancer was loose, so she wanted to tie it. It was a very simple scene and a short process. It was difficult to draw people’s attention, even the dancer herself was unlikely to have an impression of such a trivial thing. But for Degas, nothing was more important than the details. No matter what could explain the problem was only the details. No matter what artworks, only the details could leave an unforgettable experience. Almost it could be said that only the details made art awesome.