When people saw the painting, most of them loved it at the first sight. The woman is so beautiful in the evening scene. Human integrates with nature, and nature sets human off to beauty. There is a new moon in the sky and the sky is dull. What’s more, the distant mountains, the stones around the woman, the ground are all dull. The painter uses the black fabric to cover part of the woman’s body. The fabric seems to blow in the wind. There is a detail that the woman’s right foot is rising and against the left foot, but the left foot is on tip-toe. The posture seems that the woman is dancing among mountains. All the colors the painter uses in the oil painting are dark-colored except the woman. Her head cocks to one side with a hand holding and eyes closing. So we maybe know why the painting called Evening Mood. Such kinds of color show the sad and depressed feelings. Because of the outstanding white skin’s color, the sad and depressed moods become stronger. The comparison between the dark and white colors makes people have strong feelings for the woman. We wonder what happen to her, what she is thinking about, or what her feelings are.
William-Adolphe Bouguereau was an excellent painter of human figure. The painting is a good example. The figure’s emotions are depicted by the woman herself, and also by the scenery. The woman is dancing alone in the twilight. But she seems to be unhappy and sad. Maybe no one knows her, and she can’t find the right man or the man she loves doesn’t love her. People have many imaginations about why she is sad.