The Raising of Lazarus is an oil painting on panel by the Dutch artist Rembrandt in 1630. It’s based on the Bible story in the Chapter 10, Gospel of John, depicting the scene of the rebirth of Lazarus. It is now hold in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
The miracle of the raising of Lazarus is an important sign in the Gospel of John. Jesus is informed of Lazarus’ illness by messengers, and Lazarus’ two sisters try to seek for his help. But Jesus does not go to the Lazarus’ and wait till he has been dead and buried for days. Jesus says he is doing that for purpose, in order to show miracle and be glorified. He tells people that if they believe, then they can see the glory of God. Then he calls in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!”, and the dead man comes up from the tomb.
This baroque painting Raising of Lazarus shows the moment Lazarus coming back to life and sitting up from the coffin. His motion looks weird, for the reason of the stiffened body. His face still looks like a corpse, for he has not got used to the sudden physical changes brought by rebirth. People around the tomb are showing their great astonishment toward the miracle. Jesus, Lazarus and people around form a stable triangular composition, echoing each other. The colors used in the painting are simple and clear. The application of black and gray, together with two beams of mysterious lights, attribute to a grisly and gloom atmosphere.